On Wednesday the 7th of February the year 6 to 8s kids went to Saling Have A Go. To get there
everyone went in cars. I went in Hadley's mums car with Tyler, Tipenie and Hadley.
Everyone drove through Pounawea.
everyone went in cars. I went in Hadley's mums car with Tyler, Tipenie and Hadley.
Everyone drove through Pounawea.
When we arrived I put on my sunglasses. Then Simon our instructor called all of us to come over then
he proceeded to tell us about the parts of the boat and where they go next he told us to put the parts into
our yachts and get them ready.
he proceeded to tell us about the parts of the boat and where they go next he told us to put the parts into
our yachts and get them ready.
After that we ate morning tea, then when everyone finished eating we got dressed and took of the wheels
on the yachts and put them in the water then everyone hopped into their sailboats. Then we were off.
At first I was rusty but after awhile I got better and Tyler was also good at steering the yacht .
For about 2 hours straight everyone sailed around. Later we sailed to the shore and everyone including
the teachers ate lunch.
on the yachts and put them in the water then everyone hopped into their sailboats. Then we were off.
At first I was rusty but after awhile I got better and Tyler was also good at steering the yacht .
For about 2 hours straight everyone sailed around. Later we sailed to the shore and everyone including
the teachers ate lunch.
Next we got in the water again to play so we sailed out into the water to a small sandy area with birds.
After that we played a ball game for about an hour first we organized teams I was in Madox’s team, we
had to pass to our teammates we had 5 seconds to pass to our team.
After that we played a ball game for about an hour first we organized teams I was in Madox’s team, we
had to pass to our teammates we had 5 seconds to pass to our team.
After that we did capsizing I swam out of the boat before Tyler capsized it.
Not too long after that we went to the shore and grot dressed after everyone one got dressed they filled
in some pamphlets and drove home.
in some pamphlets and drove home.
And my conclusion is that I like sailing because it was a good learning experience.
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