The 3 Big Giants And The Huge Pig
Once upon a time there were 3 big giants. The 3 big giants names were Joe, Moe and Poe and they
were free for once. So the 3 giants were going to make a house, the first giant Joe made his house
out of cardboard, the second giant Moe made his house out of wood and the third giant Poe made his
house out of titanium.
were free for once. So the 3 giants were going to make a house, the first giant Joe made his house
out of cardboard, the second giant Moe made his house out of wood and the third giant Poe made his
house out of titanium.
Then a huge pig came up to Joe’s cardboard house and the huge pig said to Joe “big giant, big giant
let me in or I will ram your house down. Then Joe started running out of nowhere. Then Joe ran to his
brothers wooden house.
let me in or I will ram your house down. Then Joe started running out of nowhere. Then Joe ran to his
brothers wooden house.
The huge pig rolled up to Moe’s wooden house and the huge pig said to the two giants, “big giants,
big giants let me in our I will karate chop you house down. Then Moe and Joe said, go away you ugly
big giants let me in our I will karate chop you house down. Then Moe and Joe said, go away you ugly
Then the huge pig karate chopped the giant’s house down. Moe and Joe were to puffed to run to
Poe’s house so Moe and Joe walked to Poe’s house. The huge pig tried to ram into Poe’s house but
Poe’s house was made of titanium so the huge pig couldn’t ram the house down, so the pig tried to
karate chop the house but when the huge pig karate chopped the house he hurt his hand so the huge
pig ran away to the hospital then the 3 giants lived happily in there brothers new titanium house
Poe’s house so Moe and Joe walked to Poe’s house. The huge pig tried to ram into Poe’s house but
Poe’s house was made of titanium so the huge pig couldn’t ram the house down, so the pig tried to
karate chop the house but when the huge pig karate chopped the house he hurt his hand so the huge
pig ran away to the hospital then the 3 giants lived happily in there brothers new titanium house
By Troy
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